Thursday, April 16, 2009

Booya, Bitch!!!

I've been accepted at William and Mary!!!

Now I've got to decide between CH and W&M.

Oh Lord...where should Delenda and I move to?

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Delenda and I are moving to Chapel Hill!!!


just got my acceptance letter today!!!

Oh happy day!!

I've still got to hear from other schools, too, though, but I'm going to go ahead and give them my deposit money. :-)

I don't know what I'm going to do if I get accepted at the other schools I've applied to...especially William and Mary.

I don't know which one to go to - CH or W&M!!

That is, if W&M accepts me.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Closer and closer . . .

So, the semester is more than halfway over. I've been accepted at UNCW, and I'm waiting to hear back from the other schools I've applied to. *fingers crossed*

Waiting is so nerve-racking! geeez

Anyway, just thought I'd let you guys know...although I really don't think anyone looks at my blog, but I'll pretend that you do. How's that? :-p

In other news...I'm really upset because NIN tickets go on sale soon, and I've no money to buy them with. :(

Also, the Renaissance Faire is this weekend and next, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to go. I know I can't go this weekend because of money, but I'm hoping to go next weekend. I kinda doubt it, though, because I think I have a big bio test that following week. ruins all my fun. :-p

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20, 2009 - need I say more?

As all of you know, today is the day that Barack Hussein Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America.

I can't believe this...any of it...this euphoria I've felt all day even knowing that tomorrow I'll still have all the homework I put off today.

I worry every day...constantly...

but for today...for this one day, I didn't worry. I felt hopeful.

As I watched Obama give his inaugural address with the hundreds of thousands of flags waving in the air, I felt much so that it brought me to tears.

It's amazing how far we've come in this country.

Yes, we have problems. Major problems.

We're stuck in a war going nowhere, and we're suffering through the worst recession in years.

But somehow I have faith that we'll pull through.

I believe that with Obama's guidance, we will get out of this darkness.

This is the nation that won its independence againt the more armed and prepared opponent.

This is the country that fought each other, brother against brother, and managed to come back together again.

This is the America that overcame the storms of Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

We are a nation of strong individuals that collectively make up one resounding will to persevere.

The election of Obama is not only an historic moment because of his ethnicity and his promises; it is an historic event that proves that, as it did during WWII and 9/11, America bound together with one voice to vote him into office.

So, when you watch any of the inaugural celebrations, know that we did this. We made it happen. Not some corporate America, not some political right-wings, not some extreme religious group, not even Obama himself.

We all did it. Together.

I believe it's safe to say that we truly are one right now.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Times...they are a changing...

Hey, Everyone, what's happening?

I haven't written up here in forever. I'm sorry if you missed me. :-p

Life is progressing pretty well for me as of late. I've got one more semester at Wilson Tech, and then I'm through there! :-) My last semester actually starts this Thursday. I'm extremely excited, but I'm also kinda scared.

You ever look at yourself in the mirror and go, "Jesus Christ, I'm an adult!" ? It's a scary feeling. It seems like just the other day I was playing with action figures and stuffed animals with David, and now I'm trying to figure out my life plans...and those life plans are only a few months away.

It's frightening...becoming an adult.

I've decided to save my pay check for the next few months so I can hopefully afford an apartment wherever I move. I'm planning to work extra over the summer. I'd love to get a job at a clothing store. That way, I could get discounts on clothes...because once I move, I won't have much extra money for anything. :-p

I'm happy to be this age, but sometimes, I wish I could regress to an early year in my life.

Life was simple even though it was difficult, if that makes any sense.

All I had to worry about was school and my action figures and The Animal Cafe.

Now I'm 21, and I'm worrying about what apartments I'll be able to afford and if I can make it through medical school.

I wish I could go back to '97 or so. That would be nice. I was ten! Can you believe that?

Sometimes I can't help but think about those aunt would drive David and me to school from my grandparents' house; I'd go to school and work my ass off; my aunt would pick us up; we'd go by Bojangle's or McDonald's right after school, and then my aunt would take me to my grandparent's house because my mom would still be in Wilson teaching. Grandma would play the tv too loud while I was trying to do my homework, and Grandpa would be doing the same...just in his room. They'd both later have dinner together in complete silence, and their chewing noises would drive me crazy. :-p

Then my mom would come over and take me home and help me study. I'd go to bed around 12 or 1 usually. Then it was a repeat.

It was a little difficult for a kid. I think my school worked us harder than some, but it was the norm. It was my schedule.

Now my aunt and grandparents are gone, and the old house is just a ghost now.

Growing up is so hard. You have to lose so many people you thought would always be there for you. You never really forget them or replace them. You just find little ways to make things better for yourself.

I suppose that's how life is. You live, love, and lose.


This may sound really negative, but I'm honestly not in a bad mood. I'm just feeling reflective. Actually, I'm in kind of a good mood for some reason.

Don't laugh at me, but I just did a little bit of meditation, and it felt really nice. It's a great feeling to just cleanse your thoughts for a little while...I think I'll do that more often.

Anyway, I just thought I'd grace you guys with another blog entry.

Happy 2009, Everyone! I hope it brings everyone happiness, and I hope it brings me new experiences and new memories to add to my old ones. :-)