Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20, 2009 - need I say more?

As all of you know, today is the day that Barack Hussein Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States of America.

I can't believe this...any of it...this euphoria I've felt all day even knowing that tomorrow I'll still have all the homework I put off today.

I worry every day...constantly...

but for today...for this one day, I didn't worry. I felt hopeful.

As I watched Obama give his inaugural address with the hundreds of thousands of flags waving in the air, I felt awestruck...so much so that it brought me to tears.

It's amazing how far we've come in this country.

Yes, we have problems. Major problems.

We're stuck in a war going nowhere, and we're suffering through the worst recession in years.

But somehow I have faith that we'll pull through.

I believe that with Obama's guidance, we will get out of this darkness.

This is the nation that won its independence againt the more armed and prepared opponent.

This is the country that fought each other, brother against brother, and managed to come back together again.

This is the America that overcame the storms of Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

We are a nation of strong individuals that collectively make up one resounding will to persevere.

The election of Obama is not only an historic moment because of his ethnicity and his promises; it is an historic event that proves that, as it did during WWII and 9/11, America bound together with one voice to vote him into office.

So, when you watch any of the inaugural celebrations, know that we did this. We made it happen. Not some corporate America, not some political right-wings, not some extreme religious group, not even Obama himself.

We all did it. Together.

I believe it's safe to say that we truly are one right now.

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