Sunday, January 24, 2010

And so it begins!

So a new semester has begun, and I'm feeling pretty confident this time around.  I'm super nervous, too, though.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm taking more classes this semester, and two of the classes I'm taking require of which requires that I spend at least 40 hours working outside of class building sets for the main stage W&M productions this season.  I'm a little worried about all of that.  I'm certain that I'm going to saw a hand off, but I'm still excited for the semester.  I'm declaring my major soon, and after this is over with, I will officially be a senior at William and Mary.  woooo!!!

Aside from school, I've got a pretty great job, and I work with some awesome people.  In addition to that, I've got some really kick ass friends here.  I just got back from hanging out with a few of them tonight.  I've started going to bars!  Imagine that!  I don't go frequently, though, and as the semester progresses, I don't think I'll be seeing much of them.  Despite the fact that I've started going to more bars, I still don't really drink.  I'll have a beer here and there, but I mainly go to hang out with friends, so the old Mary is still here, and I'm happy about that.  Besides friends, I'm pretty much head over heels for a wonderful man, and he's coming to visit fairly soon, which I'm super excited about.  It's so weird how we've kinda fallen for each other so quickly, but we discussed it, and we both think that it just feels right to be together.

Overall, I couldn't be happier with the way life is going right now.  It's so awesome to just feel happy...not that I don't usually feel happy, but it just feels right to be a theatre major, and it feels right to be taking all of these classes about the theatre.  They make me happy. 

Anyway, I'm going to go to bed for now. I'm going to try to wake up early, so I can do a lot of homework in the morning.  I'm going to make this semester my bitch, Man!  It will not kill me.  I will kill it!  Bwahaha!

Until later, adios!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Something in the way...

So, have you ever met someone, and you know that from the minute you lay eyes on that person that he or she is going to usher in something life changing? You don't quite know what, but you definitely know that this person is strongly going to affect you.

That's how I feel and have felt. I just spent a weekend doing practically nothing with this person, yet I feel altered. I'm really eager to see where this goes. I hope nowhere but up. :-)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Holy shizzle

So I was just talking to Matt today about how I really wanted to go somewhere this week while I'm off, but I don't really have much money, and he suggested I go visit him in I'm heading to Savannah this weekend! super excited! :-)

On another note, I'm only going to be working on the weekends this semester, so I'm definitely going to audition this time around for plays around the Norfolk/Richmond area. I am determined to start acting this semester, and I'm taking an acting class this semester, so I feel like that will better prepare me for all the auditions and what-not.

I have a feeling this semester is going to be awesome. I am determined to do well. Now that I'm familiar with the school and things aren't that new to me anymore, I am going to ace the crap out of all my classes, Man. You just watch. :-D

Friday, January 8, 2010

Hello again!

Wow, I haven't written in this thing in forever!!

Just to keep whomever may be reading this up to date, a lot has changed in my life in the last few months! I'm now a junior at William and Mary. Yes, I chose W&M over Chapel Hill. Why? Well, I like the fact that it's such a small school; Williamsburg is a beautiful city, and I felt that CH was too close to home. I wanted to force myself to branch out more and make new friends, and I have so far. :)

I got all A's this semester. I can't believe it. I got a pass in my pass/fail class, an A in my stats class, and an A- in my theatre and philosophy classes. Oh yes! That's another thing! I've switched majors. I'm no longer a pre-med student studying neuroscience. I'm a theatre major. :)

Anyways, I work at Ben and Jerry's now at the Prime Outlets in Williamsburg, which is where I've met one of my best friends, Emma Lewis. She's also my manager. !!!! Let's see...speaking of friends, I've made several awesome friends in VA. There's Teresa, Nabila, Nathan, Emily, Emma, and Jessica, and I've even become pretty good friends with my roommates Jordan and Kristina, who just got engaged on New Year's Eve. I'm going to be a bridesmaid in their wedding in 2011.

School is going great so far. I'm all registered up for my classes, but they don't start until Jan. 20th, so I haven't gotten all of my books yet. haha Emma's given me off until January 19th, so I'm just free to do what I want until then.

As for relationship statuses, I'm single now, but it's a bit complicated. On Thanksgiving weekend, I met the owner's son at Ben and Jerry's, Matt. We closed together the day we met and just talked the entire time. He's a film and television major at SCAD in Savannah, GA, so we have a lot in common, seeing as how I'm a theatre major. Anyway, we worked together some more and saw each other at the B&J brunch thingy before Christmas, and before I came home for Christmas, Emma asked him to come out to this bar thing with us because she said she thought he liked me.

So, yeah, I came home for Christmas; he went to Maryland to see some of his family, etc., and we ended up hanging out every day last week, and we both admitted to each other that we liked each other. It took some pushing, though. Emma totally helped us out. haha

So, yeah, I stayed in VA last week to be with him before he left for school. He left on Sunday, and he came by my apartment to say goodbye to me right before he hit the road. I've talked to him pretty much every day this week, either through texts or on the phone. I just hate it that he lives in GA, and he won't be back in Williamsburg until probably April or May. I really like this guy, and I think he really likes me. I could definitely see us being together for a while if he lived in VA. I guess we'll just have to see what happens in the next few months and how we feel about each other when he returns home. *sigh*

Anyway, life overall is going well. I'm going to go to Wilmington tonight to hang out some more with David and Ryan. We'll probably hit up a few bars and get a little tipsy. I'm such an alcoholic now...except not really. :-p

But, yeah, I just remembered that I had this blog, so I thought I'd write in it a little. Peace out for now, my Peoples! :-)