Sunday, January 24, 2010

And so it begins!

So a new semester has begun, and I'm feeling pretty confident this time around.  I'm super nervous, too, though.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm taking more classes this semester, and two of the classes I'm taking require of which requires that I spend at least 40 hours working outside of class building sets for the main stage W&M productions this season.  I'm a little worried about all of that.  I'm certain that I'm going to saw a hand off, but I'm still excited for the semester.  I'm declaring my major soon, and after this is over with, I will officially be a senior at William and Mary.  woooo!!!

Aside from school, I've got a pretty great job, and I work with some awesome people.  In addition to that, I've got some really kick ass friends here.  I just got back from hanging out with a few of them tonight.  I've started going to bars!  Imagine that!  I don't go frequently, though, and as the semester progresses, I don't think I'll be seeing much of them.  Despite the fact that I've started going to more bars, I still don't really drink.  I'll have a beer here and there, but I mainly go to hang out with friends, so the old Mary is still here, and I'm happy about that.  Besides friends, I'm pretty much head over heels for a wonderful man, and he's coming to visit fairly soon, which I'm super excited about.  It's so weird how we've kinda fallen for each other so quickly, but we discussed it, and we both think that it just feels right to be together.

Overall, I couldn't be happier with the way life is going right now.  It's so awesome to just feel happy...not that I don't usually feel happy, but it just feels right to be a theatre major, and it feels right to be taking all of these classes about the theatre.  They make me happy. 

Anyway, I'm going to go to bed for now. I'm going to try to wake up early, so I can do a lot of homework in the morning.  I'm going to make this semester my bitch, Man!  It will not kill me.  I will kill it!  Bwahaha!

Until later, adios!

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