Saturday, March 6, 2010

Maybe I'm Amazed...

So I'm totally in a Paul McCartney mood...hence the title. 

Anyways, here's just a mini-update on my life as of now and some venting/ranting/declarations.  I've been super busy with classes and work and working all my stagecraft hours!  I've completed 23 out of 98 hours of out of class labs.  ugghh!  On the bright side, I'm becoming more familiar with how to use power tools, so that's good.  I'm getting better at them...better as in I couldn't pick one up before to I am able to hold them and kind of use them now.  :-p

I'm really stressed, though, because I have two midterms, a paper to write, a paper to rewrite, two presentations, and two scenes to worry about over break and immediately after break!  boooo!!  I'm sure I can do it, though, but I'm just a little scared as to how I'll get it all done.  At the same time, I was really thinking about driving down to GA to see Matt this week, but I just don't think I'm going to have the time.  :(  He's coming up the 18th, though, for that weekend, so I suppose I can wait until then.

Speaking of him, he came up last weekend.  It was such a wonderful weekend, too.  We just chilled at my apartment, had dinner with his family, and hung out with friends together.  We went to see Eurydice together on Sunday.  After the show, I had to strike the stage with my stagecraft class members.  That took forever, but afterward, we went grocery shopping, and he cooked me dinner, and we curled up and watched a movie.  I had to drive him to the airport on Monday morning, though.  That pretty much broke my heart.  :(  On the brightside, he's planning to take summer semester off, so he'll be able to spend the entire summer with me.  :)

I know we just started dating a bit ago, and I'm a very logical, no-nonsense person.  I always have been.  I guess that's why what I'm about to say doesn't sound like me at all.  But I don't know...I think this person is going to be in my life for a long time.  Like, I don't know how to put it.  The minute I saw him I felt that there was something special about we were meant to find each other or something, you know?  It's like from the first day I met him, I started falling in love with him, and now, I'm so incredibly in love with him that it kind of scares me.

I guess it's just...sometimes, no matter how little time has passed, you just know some things.  Does that make sense?  Everyone is telling me that Matt and I are going to end up getting married.  My mom, Mich, Emma, David, Teresa, Kristina, Jordan, etc.  Normally, I would just brush their comments aside, and that's what kinda frightens me.  Honestly, I cannot say that I can't see that happening.  And that is SOOOO freaking weird for me to say.  haha  But it's true. 

Matt and I talked about this a few weeks we feel that we're just right it almost seems as if we were meant to meet each other.  He finally told me a couple of weeks ago that he knew it was too soon to really tell, but he really had a feeling that I was the girl he'd always been looking for.  He said he could see himself spending the rest of his life with me, and nothing would make him happier.  Since then, he's definitely said some things hinting to that idea.  I mean, he's taking the summer off to spend time with me!  He even asked if I thought it'd be okay if he left some stuff at my place while he's in Williamsburg this summer...meaning that I think he's pretty much asking to move in with me this summer while he's here.  At the same time, he was talking about the distance between us but how we'll be able to see each other a lot more when we graduate, but then he said, "Ohh, dammit!  You want to go to grad school!"  And I said, "Well, um, yeah.  Hopefully somewhere up north."  To which he replied something to the effect of, "Well, I could live up north, " meaning that I think if things continue to go well, he plans to follow me wherever I go.  :-D

I mean, we haven't been together too long, but it feels like we have.  It just feels right to be with him.  It just feels natural. 

My mom is crazy and is certain that I'll be getting married as soon as I graduate next year.  I don't know about that.  I'm still young, but at the same time, if he asked me, I don't know if I'd be able to say no.  In other words, if things continue to go as well as they're going now, I could see myself eventually marrying this guy...something I haven't really admitted to anyone but my mom and now a blog which no one reads.  :-p

But, hey,what do I know?  We could be broken up six months from now, and this will all be irrelevant, but I just don't feel like that's going to happen.  Then again, I've been wrong maybe once, anyway.  :-p

Anyways, that's my life right now - super stressed about my school life but super happy about my personal life.  :-)  Odd mixture, eh? 

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